Clear Quartz Points on Stand
Clear Quatz a magnificent and versatile crystal revered for its clarity, purity, and amplifying properties. With its transparent appearance, Clear Quartz embodies the essence of light, spiritual clarity, and deep healing. It is said to amplify the body's natural healing abilities, dispel negative energies, and promote vitality and harmony.
Clear Quartz is believed to be a powerful energy amplifier, enhancing the properties of other crystals and intentions making it a powerful tool in manifestation and spiritual practices. The crystal is often used to cleanse and purify the aura, as well as other crystals, creating a harmonious and high-vibrational environment.
A - 293 grams 5" tall
B - 346 grams 5" tall
C - 326 grams 5" tall
D - 391 grams 5" tall